earth is the mother, save the earth to save the mother, because earth is life and life is meaningless without earth. make the earth healthy to make the life healthy, if your earth is healthy then you will be happy and healthy physically as well as mentally because your mental health is directly linked with earth, earth has the natural and eternal power to growth, you all over development is linked with the growth of the earth.make this mother earth beautiful to celebrate the life. live , love and laugh with nature for eternal mental growth. pardeep k.n. mental health scholar
our thoughts creates our life, they make us sick, happy or successful. our thoughts can pollute our planet through the actions we take. thoughts on their own will gather like clouds in the sky, good thoughts coming together with other good thoughts and bad and negative thoughts attract others unskillful thoughts, thoughts makes us what we were and what w are. thoughts are the seeds that lies deep in our consciousness. thoughts are like the seeds. let them grow positively for better mental health. pardeep k.n. mental health counsellor