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Sunday, December 26, 2010

yes to 2011

YES TO 2011
from saying
to saying
well come 2011
and say yes instead of no.

   dance with nature

        you are perfectly fine as you are
        if you learn to say yes.
        float with life,
        and dance with life,
        feel and say 'yes' to 2011.
            pardeep k.n.swami.

avoid politicians

why politics....?
for thousand of years people have been killing each other in the name of god and politics but no one has any evidence of god.politician are making fool to the people they are playing with their innocent feelings the politicians are afraid that if they force birth control on the country then the people won't vote for them.politicians are responsible for poverty in the world.they don't want world to grow openly they are exploiting the feelings of the people.politicians dominate poor people. avoid any type of politics to grow naturally.mental health is important not politics.so give to the world the best you have and the best will always come back to you.only present moment is all that you have. use it intelligently don't be deceived by any body.
pardeep k.n. swami
                                   osho says
the politicians lives,exploits, in the name of the future.the present is ugly miserable horrible.he creats imaginary goals,utopias--very beautifully he decorates them, he makes them very colourful--and you becomeenchanted, so you don't look around yourself--THE ONLY GIFT THAT I CAN PRESENT YOU IS FREEDOM. AND FREEDOM HAS NO WALLS TO IT, IT AS INFINITE AS THE SKY. CLAIM THE WHOLE SKY--IT IS YOURS.--OSHO.