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Monday, January 31, 2011


at this time the eyes of the world are looking at the south Africa, because the world mental health congress of the world federation for mental health to be held in Capetown, south africa, from 17 to 21 october, 2011. the theme 'African footprints in global mental health invites participants from across the globe to explore and demonstrate how mental health challenges are being addressed in both dveloping and developed countries.this is an golden opportunity for the mental health professional accross the world to participate and  discuss the issues regarding mental health of their own countries. there are so many issues to be discuss in the comming world level mental health congress topic which are to be discussed are unlimited because mental health topic cannot be covered in a small bowl. it is a vast topic like depth of the sea. we can't seeit but this can be only to feel.
        some of the issues are, mental health promotion and prevention, mental health advocacy and human rights, mental health policies, culture and mental health, genetics and mental health, social determinants of mental health, mental health economics and finance, globalization and mental health, ecology and mental health, old age psychiatry and mental health, intellectual disability substance related issues, psychosocial rehabilitation, mental health and HIV/AIDS, mental health issues of violence, disasters, civil conflicts and refugees system of mental health cares, mental health training program me and research issues in mental health. i want to say about this theme that so many conferences and world level training camp has been launched , but more than fifty percent population of the world unaware about mental health, that what is mental health, why and where mental health is important and why mental health is relevant? there is no need and tell the people about 'mental health'. these two words are not useful anyway for the people because people doesn't know that what to do with two words. something is hidden behind these words not something but lot of things hidden that which is out fro the eyes of the people. let the people think about there own personality, give them canvas to write their own destiny. remember one thing if you are ill you cannot go anywhere, because if you are not healthy you cannot go far your illness, your discomfort, your inner problems will disturb your inner energy. if there is low energy level in your body, you cannot easy with yourself. to reach god and feel mentaly healthy it needs high level of energy. a healthy body a healthy mind a healthy being is needed for holiness and to promote mental health across the world. we must tell the people that mental health is holistic, and it needs also healthy body. healthy body from thinking to feeling.in my views there are four pillars to promot mental health, the right diet, the right exercise, the right sleep and the right thinking. food has become disorganised, labour has become disorganised and sleep has totally murdered! each person should find out according to himself, according to his body how much labour he should do to live more healthy and more freshly.mention in this conference that only by understanding the experiences and needs of the people with mental illness can policimakers can set and reach the goals the best serve the people.there should be adequate and affordable access to approriate mental health treatment and recovery services for all those who need. there is gap in research in the vast field of mental health. the governments should provide sufficient funds to carry basic and applied operational research in mental health field. there is need for a vision for the development of the  mental health that is broadbased.we should teach the people that there is meditation is the ultimate path to promote mental health.become a friend of yourself and make the life celebration and say yes to life so the eyes of the world are looking for world mental health congres capetown south africa make this conference more authentic and relevant for the sake of humanity.

pardeep k.n.
mental health counsellor
research scholar mental health