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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

the best

give to the world the best you have
and the best will always come back
to you.
pardeep k.n.

mental health

mental health is your eternal celebration, you are mentally healthy when you are aware about what is happening around you., what is good or bad for you? mental health is the degree to which a person is able to fulfill the cultural expectations of his or her society.
pardeep k.n.
mental health counsellor
research scholar mental health.

be more intuitive

start learning how to be more intuitive, become more and more silent to become intuitive to feel mentally healthy. when you become more silent and still your internal voice will become active to talk with you at that time you will know the exact meaning of communication with your inner. one of the greatest problem with the modern man that he does not know how to communicate with himself, with his own intuition. it needs deep silence , so feel and practice to become silence to communicate with inner
pardeep k.n.
mental health counsellor
research scholar mental health
contact: +91-181-2719513