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Sunday, February 20, 2011


racism is a mental health issue. differences in mental health among people of colour and aboriginal people compared with he white people or any type of castism, coluor and creed, do not result from biological or genetic factors but from social, psychological, political and economic equities.
* higher risk of tension, depression, mental retardation and suicide.
* feelings of hopelessness, helplessness, fear danger, mistrust, despair, alienation, and loss of control even life.
* damaged self power, self esteem, high risk of addiction and violence.
* more risk of mental illness, stress, high blood pressure, heart disease and major problems of nervous system.
* higher infant death rate.
* shorter life span.
* violence and terrorism.
* poorer general health, poor mental health and high risk of mental illness.
* depressed immune system.
* unemployment, underemployment,lower wages and unsafe working conditions.
* limited access to job, housing , education and the services we need to mentally healthy.
   there are many factors that should be considered while treating mental illness.mental health does not 
   discriminate. but race, culture, ethnicity are part of the education and mental health experts should take and  keep  in mind that all into account when they are treating mental illness.
           mental health is vast and endless topic we should keep in mind that we should not divide the 
    people on the color cast and creed all are alike and  same. give the opportunity to all to survive and give 
    the people meditation  to make the life beautiful and colourfull. mental health and meditation is the ultimate
    way to feel happy and blissful.
    pardeep k.n.
    mental health scholar


no health without mental health
mental health is the description of the way people, think, feel and act." a positive state of mental health is defined by people's ability to work, to view themselves, their relationships, their resources and their vulnerabilities in a reasonable and adaptive manner.
              mental health has been largely seen an 'icing on the cake' by the most people. the refrain is that if people do not have nutrition, shelter or non abusive contexts, how can one think of mental health efforts in the developing world ? if one has lost one's mental health the capicity to work, to love, to think positively, to enjoy, to think and learn clearly, all the material things one has acquired are worth nothing, meaningless and useless and bring no happiness.mental health is important and relevant in day to day life.remember health has no use without mental health because mental health is the center point and the highway to complete well being. in this modern world medical science is going deeper and deeper in to phenomena of mental health and disease, they are becoming aware that each disease has a personality in it; it belongs to the person. so now they say don't treat the disease treat the person, give him meditation to improve the personality and the disease will automatically be removed. don't to concerned with the disease. look into the person, develop his total personality, his way of life, his attitudes, his habit patterns and you will see the drastic change with the passage of time. so just give him meditation and you will see the result.
             somebody asked Buddha ' what is the taste of your buddhahood'. he said 'go and taste the see, and taste it from anywhere, from this bank or from that bank, or go to the middle of the ocean and taste it there, or go to the other shore and you will find the taste always same everywhere, the same taste. buddhahood has one taste, whoever has become a Buddha has come to the same taste. so mental health has the same taste, if your deep root is healthy  then you will be also healthy, mentally healthy. so improve your personality to make life mentally healthy.
pardeep k.n.
mental health scholar


when you are happy let your body dance, let your consciousness dance, awaken with dance and watch yourself as the great dancer is dancing and something is happening around you.
pardeep k.n.
mental health scholar

love life

love to life, trust life and life will give you all that you deserve and you need.make the life dance because life is dance in itself and life should become a dance.when you become more and more sensitive to everything in life then the life will become eternal celebration.
pardeep k.n.
mental health research scholar