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Sunday, February 6, 2011

right sleep:pllar of mental health

it is really very very important for the every human being to have right sleep because if you are unable to sleep or uncomfortable to get right sleep it means you are mentally ill, some thing is wrong with you, somewhere is illness in your mind and your physically body.if you want to torture somebody then the best method is to disturb his sleep because a man cannot survive for long time without right sleep, sleep is meditation also it gives you fragrance of nature fragrance of more and more live, full charming life.you know the chines first discovered to torture the man simply not allowing a person to sleep. they would make the man to stand in a cell and not to move anywhere and they used to drip water from above which used to fall on his head, drop by drop, unable to move at all even unable to sit or stand. if you kill a person, he does not suffer as much as when you do not let him sleep because it is only in sleeping that he regains what he has lost. if he is unable to sleep, then he keeps losing his life energy and does not get anything back. he becomes totally dried out. we are dried out people because to promote and live mentally healthy it is necessary to open the doors of right directions, so keep in mind that meditation is the ultimate path .lying down on your bed is not sleep you need right sleep to wake up mentally and spiritually.
pardeep k.n.
mental health counsellor

mental health;poverty

mental health