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Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Buddha says you are not a thing, now you are universal you are unique in this world, now you are not confined in any idea, you are infinite, you will remain always. you are eternal. there is no birth to you and there is no death to you. you are like the sky, clouds come and go and the sky remains untouched by them. millions times clouds have come and gone, and the sky has remained pure and virgin. it has not been corrupted by them. you are the inner sky, approach of Buddha is oneness and sameness.Buddha's GOD means existence, isness. the tree is , the rock is, the cloud is , the man is, forms are different but the isness is the same, isness is the meditation and isness is the nirvana. the most significant approach is to relax and be in love with your body, with your heart, don't create any conflict bring them closer.this is the meditation this is the way to Buddha, the way to nirvana.
pardeep k.n.
mental health counsellor