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Friday, March 18, 2011

birth celebration poornima

poornima with mother deepika and brother sohum and others.

poornima birth celebration

poornima birth celebration 03-02-2011


happy birthday poornima


holi is the song of season song of warm airs. you can see the trees are growing, new leaves are taking place, and everywhere where life is possible new life and new hopes are growing with new and different types of co lours, there is warmness in the season, flowers are dancing with the nature, trees are in new life and this festival is the celebration of colours, make the life rainbow, and enjoy the colours of nature and colours of life.don't look at others, your pappiness is here and now, it needs no conditions, happiness is natural.life is colourfull and it is holi, life is holiness. make life colourfull feel the colours inside and your life will become colourfull.
pardeep k.n.
mental health scholar