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Saturday, January 29, 2011


Non profit organizations, substance-abuse centers and mental health clinics that provide mental health services are often understaffed and overwhelmed. This is where you come in. Regardless of the nature of your talents, skills or educational background, your willingness to volunteer with mental health patients is all you need to make a difference in countless lives in your community December 21, 2010 report has shown that mental health concerns are mounting at college camps  across the country, as counselors struggle to accommodate growing numbers of students in need of psychological aid, according to a survey by the American college health association [achc]   Forty six percent of colleges student reported feeling “thing were hopeless” at least once in the past 12 months, while almost a third had been so depressed that it was difficult to function according to the 2009 ACHC survey cited in the new York times. In addition, of the 133 suicides reported in the  ACHC’S survey of 320 institutions last year, less than 20 has actually sought counseling on campus.
     Though only 6.2 percent of students reported having  seriously considered suicide during the past year, 80 percent responded feeling emotionally exhausted, 56 percent said they were lonely, 60 percent were extremely sad and 48 percent anxious, the dallas health examiner noted.
     ‘scientists, sociologist, mental health professional and psychologist are finding mor and more reasons of these disorders’ to solve these problems.
The needs are great. One national survey in 2004 found that nearly 6 percent of Americans (about one in 17) had a serious mental health illness that required professional help, while nearly 30 percent -- almost 58 million Americans age 18 or older -- had a diagnosable mental health disorder About 45 percent of people with mental health issues have more than one mental health issue they're grappling with]. The majority of disabled people between the ages of 15 and 44 are disabled because of mental health issues, and most of those issues are related to severe depression. When it comes to kids and mental health disorders, the statistics are just as grim. About 20 percent of children have a diagnosable mental health issue, and it's estimated that about 80 percent of those won't receive the treatment they need
When a person with a mental health disorder doesn't receive the treatment he or she needs, the results can be catastrophic: More than 32,000 Americans committed suicide in 2004, and more than nine out of 10 of them had a diagnosable mental illness Three times as many people die from suicide in Minnesota as from homicide [source: In 2006, more than 4 million Americans visited emergency rooms for mental health-related issues, and 2.4 million inpatient hospital stays were a result of mental disorders The average length of stay was just one week, after which patients were discharged to seek help elsewhere.
    Experts say that the trend is partly linked to effective psychotropic drugs[wellbutrin for depression], adderall for attention disorder, ability for bipolar disorder] that have allowed students to attend college who otherwise might not have functioned in a campus setting. There is also greater awareness of traumas scarcely reconised a generation ago to seek help for those problems, including bulimia, self-cutting and childhood sexual abuse.    You don't have to be a professional to lend a hand (or an ear) to mental health patients. There are many ways you can volunteer with mental health patients, so keep reading to find out    Mental health issues on rise in US colleges it need emergency care and helpTo get rid from this type problem. Students  and the other general people need urgent meditation therapy. Meditation is the ultimate path for self satisfaction. Depression and any type of mental illness are making the people sick and dull first of all to get rid from the mental illness you have to do one thing first destroy all kinds of seriousness from the world the temples and your educational institutions should be full of laughter and eternal celebration let the people dance with themselves. Live in each moment because each moment has a depth and height of eternal celebration it touches the highest stars and the deepest bottom. So make life celebration to promote mental health and remember that the meditation is the ultimate path.
Pardeep k.n.
Mental health counselor
Mental health research scholar