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Sunday, March 13, 2011


you need mental health to live more and more healthy and peaceful life, if you are mentally healthy, you will be physically healthy, mental health is the most important part of human life to grow from the inner side.
you need mental health:
*to cope with physical illness
*to make the life smooth and relevant, to give the life meaning.
*if there is no mental health, all over development is no possible.
*to feel good about your own being.
*to feel comfortable with other people.
*to meet life's demands.
*mental health is our most valuable possession.
*mental health is your inner journey, it is your happiness.
*mental health is compassion, if you love yourself first it means you are mentally healthy.
*the mentally healthy person is able to give the world the best he has and the best always come back to him.
*value yourself helps you to build your life on a secure foundation.
*to live healthy and freely don't look to society and its condemnation don't judge and don't be perturbed by others judgment. you are alone and you are unique. you never were before and you never will be again, you are beautiful accept it whatsoever happen allow it to happen and pass through.
pardeep k.n.
mental health research scholar


meditate and celebrate life.
pardeep k.n.


you have to trust in life because life is light, if you trust in life then there is no need to decide to trust in life, if you are in doubt it means you are in darkness, remember the doubt opens the door of trust so don't be confused in doubt or in trust. make your life trustful and see the things in positive opinion. darkness is because light is not, you have to just switch on and you will inter into the light of meditation.
pardeep k.n.
mental health research scholar