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Sunday, March 6, 2011


the mental and physical health of mothers and children are linked, and that one cannot be possible without the other. mothers often suffers from depression after child birth, there are so many reasons of depression, due to physical pain, if the child is male or female, poverty, weakness, social and psychological problems, lack of nutritional diet, impact of medicine etc. it affects approximately 10 to 15 percent of the mothers in developed societies. these figures are double in developing countries and depression rank among the top five disabling mental as physical disorders worldwide. there is evidence that if the mental and physical health of the mother is not good then it also affects the health of the child, depression badly affects the psychological and intellectual development of children. maternal depression makes an important and possibly major contribution to poor foetal and infant growth and morbidity in low income countries. maternal depression affects infants growth and illness in a number of different ways:
* mother leads a less healthy lifestyle and do not seek adequate care between conception and birth. love and affection is more important at the time of conception, men and women are physically two but at the time of sexual intercourse, they are going to complete each other. at that time love should be like a prayer. at that time are very near to god, because sex is the eternal satisfaction. it is that moment when both can make their physical and mental body in 'ZERO EXPERIENCE' here zero experience means, celebration, when you disappear celebration is there, then god shower it blessings. at that time if the couple is happy, calm and in present moment, mentally and physically there and from that moment the child will definitively mentally and psychologically, healthy and intellectual.
* maternal disability in the post natal period results in deficient physical emotional care and psychosocial stimulation of the infant.
* lack of family support and financial independence could weakens the mother ability and adequately care for her child.
* marital violence and birth of a girl child are associated with an increased risk of depression in mothers.
woman's mental health remains low on the agenda of policy-makers in the developing world. in my opinion woman has more superior powers, some more vitality, and if she is allowed total freedom to grow in her own way then she can go for mentally and physically healthy. if the woman go more and more in meditation at the time of child birth and that time will be more precious for the birth of the child, because now the seed has come out from its shell, and meditation will nourish the seed to make it healthy tree.
remember always that the mental health of the mother is too important. there is an urgent need to increase the awareness or general public as well as of medical profession about the importance of mental health of mothers, because it is not only the question of health of the mother but the well being of the future generations in which the world has very high stake.
pardeep k.n.
mental health scholar
mental health counsellor