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Friday, January 28, 2011

eyes mystery....

your eyes are the mirror of your inner world if your eyes are happy and calm than it means that you are happy and healthy too.your mental health can be observed through your eyes, your eyes not need any type of medicine to make them neat and clean it needs only meditation, meditation for the eyes to make them beautiful and healthy, any type of disease and any mental illness can be observed through your eyes, give them soft touch to feel healthy and live smoothly with your inner world and you will feel relax, don't use your eyes as your brain they are only to see not to think like brain. but we are doing totally different with this delicate organ of the body, always in rush, hurry and in congestion,your eyes are always looking like tired and ill and  helpless, don't disturb your eyes use it to make the things beautiful around you to make life healthy and and your inner journey complete.
pardeep k.n.
mental health scholar

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