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Monday, January 31, 2011


at this time the eyes of the world are looking at the south Africa, because the world mental health congress of the world federation for mental health to be held in Capetown, south africa, from 17 to 21 october, 2011. the theme 'African footprints in global mental health invites participants from across the globe to explore and demonstrate how mental health challenges are being addressed in both dveloping and developed countries.this is an golden opportunity for the mental health professional accross the world to participate and  discuss the issues regarding mental health of their own countries. there are so many issues to be discuss in the comming world level mental health congress topic which are to be discussed are unlimited because mental health topic cannot be covered in a small bowl. it is a vast topic like depth of the sea. we can't seeit but this can be only to feel.
        some of the issues are, mental health promotion and prevention, mental health advocacy and human rights, mental health policies, culture and mental health, genetics and mental health, social determinants of mental health, mental health economics and finance, globalization and mental health, ecology and mental health, old age psychiatry and mental health, intellectual disability substance related issues, psychosocial rehabilitation, mental health and HIV/AIDS, mental health issues of violence, disasters, civil conflicts and refugees system of mental health cares, mental health training program me and research issues in mental health. i want to say about this theme that so many conferences and world level training camp has been launched , but more than fifty percent population of the world unaware about mental health, that what is mental health, why and where mental health is important and why mental health is relevant? there is no need and tell the people about 'mental health'. these two words are not useful anyway for the people because people doesn't know that what to do with two words. something is hidden behind these words not something but lot of things hidden that which is out fro the eyes of the people. let the people think about there own personality, give them canvas to write their own destiny. remember one thing if you are ill you cannot go anywhere, because if you are not healthy you cannot go far your illness, your discomfort, your inner problems will disturb your inner energy. if there is low energy level in your body, you cannot easy with yourself. to reach god and feel mentaly healthy it needs high level of energy. a healthy body a healthy mind a healthy being is needed for holiness and to promote mental health across the world. we must tell the people that mental health is holistic, and it needs also healthy body. healthy body from thinking to feeling.in my views there are four pillars to promot mental health, the right diet, the right exercise, the right sleep and the right thinking. food has become disorganised, labour has become disorganised and sleep has totally murdered! each person should find out according to himself, according to his body how much labour he should do to live more healthy and more freshly.mention in this conference that only by understanding the experiences and needs of the people with mental illness can policimakers can set and reach the goals the best serve the people.there should be adequate and affordable access to approriate mental health treatment and recovery services for all those who need. there is gap in research in the vast field of mental health. the governments should provide sufficient funds to carry basic and applied operational research in mental health field. there is need for a vision for the development of the  mental health that is broadbased.we should teach the people that there is meditation is the ultimate path to promote mental health.become a friend of yourself and make the life celebration and say yes to life so the eyes of the world are looking for world mental health congres capetown south africa make this conference more authentic and relevant for the sake of humanity.

pardeep k.n.
mental health counsellor
research scholar mental health

Sunday, January 30, 2011

pardeep k.n.mental health counsellor

pardeep k.n.
mental health counsellor
research scholar mental health
mental health & meditation centre
adda kathar [jalandhar]
contact; 0181-2719513

pardeep k.n. mental health counsellor

mental health is a description of the way people, think, feel and act."a positive state of mental health is defined by the  people's ability to view themselves, their relationships, their resources and their vulnerabilities in a reasonable and adaptive manner.
               mental health has been largely seen in 'icing on the cake" by most people.the refrain is that if people do not have nutrition, shelter or non abusive contexts, how can one think of mental health efforts in the developing worlds.
pardeep k.n.
mental health counsellor
research scholar maetal health
 mental health & meditation centre
adda kathar [jalandhar]

Saturday, January 29, 2011


Non profit organizations, substance-abuse centers and mental health clinics that provide mental health services are often understaffed and overwhelmed. This is where you come in. Regardless of the nature of your talents, skills or educational background, your willingness to volunteer with mental health patients is all you need to make a difference in countless lives in your community December 21, 2010 report has shown that mental health concerns are mounting at college camps  across the country, as counselors struggle to accommodate growing numbers of students in need of psychological aid, according to a survey by the American college health association [achc]   Forty six percent of colleges student reported feeling “thing were hopeless” at least once in the past 12 months, while almost a third had been so depressed that it was difficult to function according to the 2009 ACHC survey cited in the new York times. In addition, of the 133 suicides reported in the  ACHC’S survey of 320 institutions last year, less than 20 has actually sought counseling on campus.
     Though only 6.2 percent of students reported having  seriously considered suicide during the past year, 80 percent responded feeling emotionally exhausted, 56 percent said they were lonely, 60 percent were extremely sad and 48 percent anxious, the dallas health examiner noted.
     ‘scientists, sociologist, mental health professional and psychologist are finding mor and more reasons of these disorders’ to solve these problems.
The needs are great. One national survey in 2004 found that nearly 6 percent of Americans (about one in 17) had a serious mental health illness that required professional help, while nearly 30 percent -- almost 58 million Americans age 18 or older -- had a diagnosable mental health disorder About 45 percent of people with mental health issues have more than one mental health issue they're grappling with]. The majority of disabled people between the ages of 15 and 44 are disabled because of mental health issues, and most of those issues are related to severe depression. When it comes to kids and mental health disorders, the statistics are just as grim. About 20 percent of children have a diagnosable mental health issue, and it's estimated that about 80 percent of those won't receive the treatment they need
When a person with a mental health disorder doesn't receive the treatment he or she needs, the results can be catastrophic: More than 32,000 Americans committed suicide in 2004, and more than nine out of 10 of them had a diagnosable mental illness Three times as many people die from suicide in Minnesota as from homicide [source: In 2006, more than 4 million Americans visited emergency rooms for mental health-related issues, and 2.4 million inpatient hospital stays were a result of mental disorders The average length of stay was just one week, after which patients were discharged to seek help elsewhere.
    Experts say that the trend is partly linked to effective psychotropic drugs[wellbutrin for depression], adderall for attention disorder, ability for bipolar disorder] that have allowed students to attend college who otherwise might not have functioned in a campus setting. There is also greater awareness of traumas scarcely reconised a generation ago to seek help for those problems, including bulimia, self-cutting and childhood sexual abuse.    You don't have to be a professional to lend a hand (or an ear) to mental health patients. There are many ways you can volunteer with mental health patients, so keep reading to find out    Mental health issues on rise in US colleges it need emergency care and helpTo get rid from this type problem. Students  and the other general people need urgent meditation therapy. Meditation is the ultimate path for self satisfaction. Depression and any type of mental illness are making the people sick and dull first of all to get rid from the mental illness you have to do one thing first destroy all kinds of seriousness from the world the temples and your educational institutions should be full of laughter and eternal celebration let the people dance with themselves. Live in each moment because each moment has a depth and height of eternal celebration it touches the highest stars and the deepest bottom. So make life celebration to promote mental health and remember that the meditation is the ultimate path.
Pardeep k.n.
Mental health counselor
Mental health research scholar

Friday, January 28, 2011


come and sit with me
pardeep k.n.
mental health counsellor


mental health counsellor

eyes mystery....

your eyes are the mirror of your inner world if your eyes are happy and calm than it means that you are happy and healthy too.your mental health can be observed through your eyes, your eyes not need any type of medicine to make them neat and clean it needs only meditation, meditation for the eyes to make them beautiful and healthy, any type of disease and any mental illness can be observed through your eyes, give them soft touch to feel healthy and live smoothly with your inner world and you will feel relax, don't use your eyes as your brain they are only to see not to think like brain. but we are doing totally different with this delicate organ of the body, always in rush, hurry and in congestion,your eyes are always looking like tired and ill and  helpless, don't disturb your eyes use it to make the things beautiful around you to make life healthy and and your inner journey complete.
pardeep k.n.
mental health scholar

MENTAL HEALTH: HIGHWAY TO COMPLETE HEALTH Pardeep k.n We have so many questions in our mind regarding mental health, that what is mental health? How it work in our body? What is the role of mental health in our daily life? And why and where mental health is important? Mental health is a description of the way people, think, feel and act. “ a positive state of mental health is defined by people’s ability to view themselves, there relationships, there resources and there vulnerabilities in a reasonable and adaptive manner. Mental health is largely seen an ‘icing on the cake’ by most people. The refrain is that if people do not have nutrition, shelter or non-abusive contexts, how can one think of mental health? Mental health is always present. It is everlasting. I mean to say that it is eternal process in our mind and body. Mind and body are not separate from each other. Mind cannot work without body and body is also unable to function without mind, so we can say that both are interdependent. All the luxurious things can be brought from the market but it is not possible to buy mental health from the market or from outside because it is internal process. It is psychological phenomena. The world federation of mental health has recently come out with a three point definition of mental health based on the three important questions, first is do you feel good about yourself? Second do you feel comfortable with other people? Last and third point is are you able to meet life’s demands? Norman sartorius , former director of WHO mental health programme has observed : mental health is always present regardless of the disease, as the sky is always present in spite of the clouds.” now in the modern era the main and most important question of 21st century in our mind that if we know something about mental health than how to promote mental health in the people? How to aware the people about this phenomena. The main points to promote mental health in the working or non-working people. Everything is simple and easy just think about your emotional well-being. Assess your emotional health regularly. Consider the particular demands or stresses you are facing and how they are affecting you. Gve yourself permission to take a break from your worries recognize that dedicating even a short time everyday to your mental fitness wise reap significance benefits in terms of feeling rejuvenated and more confident. Maintaining mental wellness, enlisting the help of others when you need it or surrounding yourself with a supportive,, healthy environment are essential in today’s modern on the go world. Spending time with family and loved one’s, engaging in new activities and volunteering are just a few of the ways you can relieve stresses and cope with everyday life. How to promote mental health ************************* Only by understanding experiences and needs of people with mental illness can policymakers can set and reach the goals the best serve the people. There should be mental health associations in all countries to advocate for improvements in mental health, better provisions of services for those with mental illness and disability and to provide voluntary services. There should be adequate and affordable access to appropriate mental health treatment and recovery services for all those who need. Efficient means of communicating and disseminating policy, educational, technological and scientific information mental health from those who have it and who do not is must. An effective programme for encouraging advocacy and research in the prevention of mental illness and disability and in the promotion of mental health is necessary thing . there should be no race, age , gender religious or cultural discrimination in the provision of mental health services. There is gap in research in the field of mental health in the country so, the government should provide sufficient funds to institutes/ organizations for carrying basic, applied and operational research in mental health field, The call to medical and social scientists to co-operate has been sounded by Rrennie and woodward in their book ‘mental health in modern society’ the say: “mental health can not be developed in a social vacuum. Powerful factors operate against it as our present society is constituted. T promote positive mental health will therefore require the co-operation and help of many individuals and groups. Medical and social scientists need to look squarely at these factors and, abandoning professional isolation, cooperate in an attempt to counteract them. Mental health can only be achieved in an environment which provides opportunities for self expression, social usefulness, and the attainment of human satisfaction. Preventive psychiatry is only beginning and its only sure tool at present lies in educating the public in the meaning and cause of developing positive mental health. Thus, India is entering the new millennium with many challenges like promoting mental health of the populations and developing mental health services involving different social institution appropriate to the country and towards developing an Indian system of mental health care. There is need for a vision for the development of the mental health, that is broad based. what is mental health?

Pardeep k.n

We have so many questions in our mind regarding mental health, that what is mental
health? How it work in our body? What is the role of mental health in our daily life? And why and where mental health is important?

Mental health is a description of the way people, think, feel and act. “ a
positive state of mental health is defined by people’s ability to view themselves, there
relationships, there resources and there vulnerabilities in a reasonable and adaptive manner.
Mental health is largely seen an ‘icing on the cake’ by most people. The refrain is that if people do not have nutrition, shelter or non-abusive contexts, how can one think of mental health? Mental health is always present. It is everlasting. I mean to say that it is eternal process in our mind and body. Mind and body are not separate from each other. Mind cannot work without body and body is also unable to function without mind, so we can say that both are interdependent. All the luxurious things can be brought from the market but it is not possible to buy mental health from the market or from outside because it is internal process. It is psychological phenomena.
The world federation of mental health has recently come out with a three point definition of mental health based on the three important questions, first is do you feel good about yourself? Second do you feel comfortable with other people? Last and third point is are you able to meet life’s demands? Norman sartorius , former director of WHO mental health programme has observed : mental health is always present regardless of the disease, as the sky is always present in spite of the clouds.” now in the modern era the main and most important question of 21st century in our mind that if we know something about mental health than how to promote mental health in the people? How to aware the people about this phenomena. The main points to promote mental health in the working or non-working people. Everything is simple and easy just think about your emotional well-being. Assess your emotional health regularly. Consider the particular demands or stresses you are facing and how they are affecting you. Gve yourself permission to take a break from your worries recognize that dedicating even a short time everyday to your mental fitness wise reap significance benefits in terms of feeling rejuvenated and more confident.
Maintaining mental wellness, enlisting the help of others when you need it or surrounding yourself with a supportive,, healthy environment are essential in today’s modern on the go world. Spending time with family and loved one’s, engaging in new activities and volunteering are just a few of the ways you can relieve stresses and cope with everyday life.
How to promote mental health
Only by understanding experiences and needs of people with mental illness can policymakers can set and reach the goals the best serve the people.
There should be mental health associations in all countries to advocate for improvements in mental health, better provisions of services for those with mental illness and disability and to provide voluntary services.
There should be adequate and affordable access to appropriate mental health treatment and recovery services for all those who need. Efficient means of communicating and disseminating policy, educational, technological and scientific information mental health from those who have it and who do not is must. An effective programme for encouraging advocacy and research in the prevention of mental illness and disability and in the promotion of mental health is necessary thing . there should be no race, age , gender religious or cultural discrimination in the provision of mental health services.
There is gap in research in the field of mental health in the country so, the government should provide sufficient funds to institutes/ organizations for carrying basic, applied and operational research in mental health field,
The call to medical and social scientists to co-operate has been sounded by Rrennie and woodward in their book ‘mental health in modern society’ the say: “mental health can not be developed in a social vacuum. Powerful factors operate against it as our present society is constituted. T promote positive mental health will therefore require the co-operation and help of many individuals and groups. Medical and social scientists need to look squarely at these factors and, abandoning professional isolation, cooperate in an attempt to counteract them. Mental health can only be achieved in an environment which provides opportunities for self expression, social usefulness, and the attainment of human satisfaction. Preventive psychiatry is only beginning and its only sure tool at present lies in educating the public in the meaning and cause of developing positive mental health.
Thus, India is entering the new millennium with many challenges like promoting mental health of the populations and developing mental health services involving different social institution appropriate to the country and towards developing an Indian system of mental health care. There is need for a vision for the development of the mental health, that is broad based.


Thursday, January 27, 2011

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

abbe faria

abbe faria was born in Goa in 1756 and given the name Jose custodio de faria. the family was originally Hindu gaud saraswat Brahmans of konkan who were converted to Christianity about three generations earlier.
pardeep k.n.
mental health counsellor

abbe faria

abbe faria was one such outstanding Indian in 18th century [1756-1819] who
greatly influenced our understanding of the phenomenon of hypnosis, and the 
role of suggestion in hypnotic state.
pardeep k.n.
mental health counsellor.

abbe faria

abbe faria
a forgotten indian hero of mental health
pardeep k.n.
mental health counsellor

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

'mile sur mera tumahara'..................04.02.1922---24.01.2011

pt. bhimsen joshi ji

he was the ancient banyan tree of Hindustani classical music now he has passed away but his classical sound will never perish.he was the man of classical singing.he was the precious gem of Indian classical music.his contribution to Indian classical music is historic.he was really authentic in his singing and no one else can be compared to him. he loved everyone as like his singing and had no bitterness towards anyone.he took Hindustani music to every corner of the world.his 'sur' is always there in the air and we will listen his voice whenever we remember him.i salute him and his singing.
with deep love and gratitude.
pardeep k.n.
mental health counsellor

Monday, January 24, 2011

eternal sound

om is the eternal sound of soundless sound. it enriches the mental health and it has spiritual values also.om is authentic in itself. it is compassion. it is the purest and purest to purest form of natural sound that which is always present in human being.we can listen this sound any time and in any type of condition because all the sound that which we interact whole the day are the sounds of om they are multidimensional sound. when you sit relax and concentrate on you regular breathing just sit and focus your energy on the tip of your nose and watch only your breathing system within ten to fifteen minutes your breathing will slow and you will enter into the world of soundless sound and then don't move anywhere listen the sounds around you. accept all the negative and positive sounds for fifteen minutes, it will help full for you to enter into OM .om is nothing else beside you. you are om just be there and listen it, om is your internal and eternal asset, you are not separate from it, you are om feel it and live it. when you laugh om laugh, when you cry om cry, when you happy om happy. so, enjoy the sound of om to make life meditation because the meditation is only the path.
pardeep k.n.
mental health counsellor

wfmh report-2010

world mental health report 2010
published in daily aj di awaaz
jalandhar [14,Nov.,2010]
pardeep k.n.
mental health counsellor


pardeep k.n.
mental health counsellor.
punjab india.

Friday, January 21, 2011

mental health advt.

contact for mental health counselling.
pardeep k.n.
mental health counsellor.


pardeep k.n.
 *post graduate in sociology from Annamalai university Tamilnadu
 *master of philosophy in medical sociology[sociology of health]
  *diploma in journalism
  *diploma in mass communication
  *certificate course in print journalism [PWJU and IIJB]
  *certificate course in print media from Punjab working journalist union
    and international institute of journalism Berlin Germany
  *working as senior journalist
  *research in mental health issues
  *working as mental health counsellor
    mental health & meditation centre
    village dheypur
    adda kathar distt., jalandhar punjab india

Thursday, January 20, 2011

news page ada

news page ada

the middle way

the middle path opens the eyes, produces knowledge, and leads to peace,
insight and enlightenment.
Two monks were arguing over a philosophical question as their teacher passed by. they stopped him and asked him to settle their disagreement. the first monk explained his understanding, to which their teacher replied."you're right." the second monk protested, and made his argument, which was the complete opposite of what the first monk said. the teacher then answered the second monk, saying,"you 're right." the third monk who had been  listening asked in frustration," but, master, you tell both these monks that they are right, when their explanations are contradictory and couldn't possibly both be correct." the teacher replied,"you' re right."
zen story
pardeep k.n.
mental health counsellor

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

page aj di awaaz jalandhar-19 januay,2011

news published in daily aj di awaaz jalandhar
regarding SC/st status in private industrial job

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

music the sound of silence

music is relaxing. the evolutionary evidences prove that only humans are capable of producing controlled and varied vocalizations necessary for melodic sound.beyond the pleasurable effects, music is also a tool to study the cognitive powers of the brain.music knows no boundaries. it transcends cultures, religions,continents and even age.music is known to stimulate certain keys areas of the brain that makes listening to music such a pleasurable experience.
music flows from meditation
music is the eternal sound of nature which is everlasting and it is the sound of silence it is creation up to madness it is extreme of meditation.when musician disappear music remain then meditation start, when you are silent you are really very close to the sound of soundless music.music is the only language that comes very close to silence it has no meaning it is sheer of joy and eternal celebration. music heals the mind .
pardeep k.n.
mental health counsellor
mental health and meditation centre
adda kathar jalandhar


the knowledge of emptiness gives
birth to compassion and compassion
is purest form of prayer which makes
the man healthy, vibrant and calm.
pardeep k.n.
mental health counsellor


loving someone is like the bird that comes and sits our door,
sings a song and happily fly away.......
it does not ask anything in return!!
pardeep k.n.
mental health research scholar

inner experience

our maturity has nothing to do with our life experience. it has something to do
with our inward journey, experience of the inner.
pardeep k.n.
mental health counsellor.

pardeep k.n.

ma wanya form england, pardeep and sohum.

Monday, January 17, 2011

pardeep k.n.

certificate basics of print media journalism.
pardeep k.n.
mental health counsellor.

pardeep k.n.


pardeep k.n.
mental health counsellor


certificate best media coverage
taekwondo 2004-05 chandigarh.

with friends

swami pardeep with senior journalist & eminent story writer
Mr. Binder Basra ji, and sr. Balbir Singh ji ex- army officer
now working as journalist at jalandhar.

Sunday, January 16, 2011


29 November 1992 the day of eternal
pardeep k.n.
swami amrit neehaar
mental health counselor


receiving certificate in print media course
from baba kashmira singh ji sgl jalandhar
and professor peter may hod dept. of 
journalism international institute Berlin


 Remember if you are ill you cannot go anywhere, because if you are not healthy, you cannot go far your illness. your discomfort, your inner problems will disturb your inner energy. if there is low energy level in your body you cannot feel easy with yourself. to reach god it needs high level of energy. a healthy body a healthy mind, a healthy being is needed for holiness. the way of holiness is the highway to mental health.
pardeep k.n.
mental health counsellor

Saturday, January 15, 2011


                           the quality of our life depends on the quality
                           of the seeds that lie deep in our
                           swami pardeep k.n.
                           mental health counsellor
                           mental health & meditation centre
                           adda kathar distt., jalandhar


path of love
the path that leads to love is so narrow that two
people cannot walk on it unless they become one........
swami pardeep


sing the song of life

sweet memories

professor peter may hod journalism
international institute of journalism
Berlin Germany.

dance with nature

dance with nature because nature is in eternal celebration
be here and now to celebrate it.
swami pardeep

mental health

      mental health & meditation centre
              pardeep k.n.
              mental health counsellor

pardeep k.n.

mental health counsellor
pardeep k.n.

helping hands

                                            give to the world the best you have and the best will
                                            always come back to you.
                                             swami pardeep k.n.